How to test Bluetooth

published on 19 July 2022

Bluetooth implementations require testing at many different levels in order to ensure the best user experience possible. Each type of testing requires a different set of tools. How do you know which tool to use for your use case? This article will attempt to summarize the different kinds of Bluetooth testing. Each summary will include a description of the kind of tools you can use to help your device achieve the best performance possible.

How to test Bluetooth RF

RF testing deserves an article in its own right. The ocean of possibilities is as vast as it is deep. 

For RF testing, the best resource will be a local FCC test house. Certifications are expensive, but most facilities will allow you to book 4 hour time slots at a much cheaper rate. If you need to get familiar with the nitty gritty of your RF performance, this will be a great option.

How to test Bluetooth profiles

The Bluetooth SIG provides a great resource for validating Bluetooth profiles. As part of their qualification process, they provide the software tool Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) in addition to a Bluetooth dongle. By using these together, you can perform interoperability testing on any Bluetooth profile required by your device. This includes the lower stack layers beneath the GATT profiles.

How to test Bluetooth APIs

Whether you're designing your own device or integrating another product, testing the Bluetooth API will become a part of your regular workload. This facet of Bluetooth testing involves inspecting the various services and characteristics that exist in the device. These could come from a proprietary, in-house protocol or from the standard GATT profiles specified by the Bluetooth SIG. If the device uses it as part of your API, you'll want to test it's functionality thoroughly to make sure your user experience doesn't suffer.


Wavecake is a Bluetooth test app that runs in your web browser (best in Chrome). We built Wavecake to help eliminate headaches associated with manually testing Bluetooth APIs. Instead of navigating through menus to complete each action, Wavecake helps you build a script to automate your task. From there, save the script and call it back later when you need it. Or run it over and over again with the click of a button. 

It supports all standard GATT commands for interfacing with a Bluetooth device. It can also analyze custom protocols and advertisements with pass and fail indications.

nRF Connect

This handy mobile app provides a lot of features specifically meant for Nordic processors, but it has some powerful generic features as well. It allows the user to inspect the services and characteristics of any device in the near vicinity. 


Another app for mobile, it also has a desktop version for Mac. Similar to nRF Connect, the LightBlue app allows users to discover the services and characteristics of any device. Use the app to test reading and writing to different characteristics in addition to detecting valid notifications.

How to test Bluetooth power consumption

When you design an Bluetooth device, power consumption becomes a critical part of the device's performance. Unfortunately, when it comes to evaluating power consumption, a standard digital multimeter won't suffice. Bluetooth devices oscillate between surges and lulls when it comes to power consumption. This is caused by intermittent features such as connecting and advertising that come into play during the lifetime of an Bluetooth device. During steady state, the device might draw microamps worth of current. However, when it advertises, the current draw might climb into the order of milliamps. 

In order to properly optimize the battery life of the device, you may need a power analyzer. This will allow you to see the peaks of energy consumption. More importantly, it will allow you to detect energy consumption that may not be necessary.

Nordic power profiler

The Nordic Power Profiler Kit 2 comes in as the most affordable option. After you receive the device, you can download the associated software in order to get started. From there, you can optimize your device easily.


The Joulescope bridges the gap between affordability and power. A built in API lets you script the usage of the device in addition to using is in real time with their software. 

Keysight N6705C

The Keysight N6705C offers many of the same features in a benchtop form factor. Still, when automation or monitoring is required, it can plug into your computer for automation and logging.  


No matter what level of the device you have trouble with, there are resources out there to help with testing. Each test tool can lead you further down the path of delivering a product with a great user experience. 

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