End-of-line Configuration with Wavecake

published on 08 January 2024

Aperia Technologies faced the task of initializing every device on their manufacturing line using Bluetooth commands.

Prototyping with Web App

Leveraging the Wavecake web app, they efficiently prototyped their automation sequence, streamlining the development process. After doing a proof of concept in the low-code script builder, the team decided to write their automation in javascript using the wavecake.js library. The automation came to life quickly thanks to the user-friendly api. All throughout the process, the Wavecake web app became their testing ground for orchestrating the automation.

Transition to Desktop

Recognizing the critical nature of their manufacturing process, the company seamlessly transitioned to the desktop version for enhanced stability and control. This transition removed some of the limitations of the web application. In some cases, mouse clicks are required while operating the web application. In order to fully automate the process, eliminating human intervention was critical. The desktop application allowed them to remove those barriers. When they deployed the automation on the manufacturing floor, all user input requirements, including mouse-clicks, had been taken away. 

Long-Term Support and Flexibility

The desktop version not only provided support for a fully automated solution, it also hardened the support story for their process. The web app presented a secondary challenge to the team. Software updates to the website had the potential of making breaking changes that would affect the manufacturing process. By downloading a desktop version of the app, the team was able to lock in a version of the application that they knew worked with the process. Updating the application to support new features could be done in a controlled manner at a date in the future. Wavecake support could be involved to make the update without any negative impacts.


Aperia Technologies achieved a reliable and secure manufacturing automation process, ensuring the longevity of their system and minimizing the risk of disruptions in their production line. 

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